Tribal tattoo models have been enriched by different cultures over time and have survived to the present day. The history of tribal tattoos dates back to ancient times. Although it is not known exactly when the first tribal tattoos appeared, it is thought that the history of these tattoos dates back to the rituals and religious practices of ancient societies.

Tribal tattoos were traditionally popular among warriors, shamans and community leaders.

Tribal tattoos are aesthetic tattoos that many people make to cover their entire body. Aesthetically pleasing, it also reflects family tradition, allowing you to share heritage stories and express who you are.

These aesthetically pleasing tattoos were historically believed to protect people from enemies and bring good luck. Each region has different shapes and images according to their lifestyle and beliefs. These have come to light on many historical objects. We see that tattoos made by people have a connection with the society they live in and their past.

We have compiled for you many tattoos that have come to the present day at the end of history and social processes and are decorated with creativity.
We would be happy if you share your preference among all tribal tattoo models with us.