Samurai Tattoo

Mücadele etmek güçlü insanların ruhunda vardır. hayat güçlülerden yanadır. Daha iyi bir dünya için mücadele etmelisiniz. Ruhunuzun gücünü bedeninize aşılayın. Dövme sanatı, ruhunuzu bedeninizden dışarı yansıtma sanatıdır.

To be a samurai is to be moral. It was to accept that life has a philosophy. Soul and body should be one. It is not abuse of power in the soul through the body.

A samurai tattoo is a popular design in the world of body art, particularly in the realm of Japanese tattooing. Samurai tattoos typically feature images and symbols associated with the samurai, a class of skilled and noble warriors in feudal Japan. These tattoos often convey a sense of honor, strength, discipline, and loyalty, all of which are qualities traditionally associated with the samurai.

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